What's the smallest Oracle instance possible?

Unfortunately, my first postings on jdeveloper 10g have mostly discussed it’s memory usage. That’s a bit unfair, as it is a nice IDE. I’ve installed it on another laptop, with 512Mb. My previous laptop had 384Mb and a lot of company installed management software. On this new clean laptop, jdeveloper runs ok. No big memory issues. Ok, it still uses around 200Mb, but it is very useable. I can run Jdeveloper, OC4J (oracle’s j2ee server), and oracle 9i r2 at the sametime.

I’ve installed Oracle 9iR2 (the database), created a default database, and changed the memory settings (block buffers low, no java pool, etc). It now uses 80Mb. Is this as small as it gets, or is it possible to configure it to use even less memory?

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