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Is my title snappy enough? Some javablogs readers are getting a bit upset about titles only intended to attract readers, not having anything to do with the actual content of the blog (what content?). Having a good title makes all the difference when attracting readers. The thing is, your title not only appears on javablogs, but also in other places. Google for example. So i wonder if a title which works on javablogs, will also work on google? I think that for a title to work on google it should really be about the content. People are looking for something specific, so if you have a snappy title, which has nothing to do with what people are searching for, do you think they are going to read it? So i guess snappy titles are required, but snappy titles with some real content. This would probably also be acceptible to the javablogs readers. (Oh, and by the way, my title is really about the content. Why are you reading this?)

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