Monitoring Camel routes with JMX

ServiceMix and Camel expose a lot of information through jmx mbeans. You can use jconsole to access this information.

Start jconsole and connect to a running servicemix instance. Look for the entry with karaf in the name:

JConsole: new connection

In the mbeans tab you’ll find a node for Apache Camel. Here you’ll find all your routes, endpoints, services and processors:

Route MBean

You can name your routes using the id method, this makes it easier to find it in jconsole:

public class TestRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {

    public void configure() throws Exception {


THe attributes section shows you a lot of information about the exchanges that have been handled by the route, for example number of exchanges completed, number of failed exchanges. It also shows you the status of a route.

Route Attributes

The methods sections enables you to start and stop a route:

Route operations

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