
We use pvcs here for version control. Problem is that pvcs is only available on a unix server, and i do most of my development using toad on my windows laptop. It’s easy to synchronize two directories, one on my laptop, and one in my home directory on unix with rsync. Rsync is part of cygwin

rsync -auv --rsh="ssh -l <username>" --exclude "*.swp" \
  --exclude "*.log" --exclude "*~" \ 
	   <unix_server>:<home_directory>/<project_folder> .

rsync -auv --rsh="ssh -l <username>" --exclude "*.swp"\
   --exclude "*.log" --exclude "*~"  \
	 . <unix_server>:<home_directory>/<project_folder>

This works ok, except for one small problem. When a file doesn’t change, size doesn’t change, and the timestamp doesn’t change, but the file mode access permission do change, these are not synchronized. This happends when i a file out of pvcs to lock it, the file permission change so that it is writable. After using rsync, the file will still be unwritable on my laptop.

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